Saturday, October 06, 2007


Originally uploaded by Andyrob

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bastille Day in London

Bastille Day in London
Originally uploaded by Andyrob

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

PajamaNation Blog: Day 2: WayBack Machines

Walter has started a CEO blog which is exactly the right thing to do. Brilliant. I've already linked to it from my own blogroll and subscribed to the feed, which will be essential reading for all Pajamanation Country Managers.

It's on Google's blogger patform which I must say looks quite smart these days, but it's set so that I can only comment by logging in with a blogger identify. That's why I don't think Google are likely to embrace OpenID very soon unfortunately. They are much too fond of lock-ins.

PajamaNation Blog: Day 2: WayBack Machines